Disaster Recovery Planning: Ensuring Business Continuity

May 24, 2023

Do I Need a Disaster Recovery Plan?

In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven landscape, disaster recovery planning to ensure the availability of IT infrastructure is crucial for IT leaders. Operating without a tested disaster recovery plan is risky; extended downtime can cost large sums of money, damage an organization’s reputation, give an edge to competitors, and lead to closing entirely. The risks are too significant not to develop a disaster recovery plan.

Can You Afford A Disaster?

According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 40% of small and mid-sized businesses that experience a natural disaster never reopen, and 25% reopen but fail within a year. Larger organizations aren’t immune to disasters; Veeam’s 2022 Data Protection Report found the average cost of downtime can be as much as $88,000 per hour, while Information Technology Intelligence Consulting (ITIC)’s 2021 Hourly Cost of Downtime survey indicated the cost could be $300,000 an hour or more for mid-size and large enterprises. Whether the damage is financial or reputational, organizations must proactively develop their disaster recovery strategy.

Building a Disaster Recovery Plan

Identifying Risks

Effectively planning for disasters starts with identifying potential risks, such as natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, or hurricanes, and man-made incidents, such as power outages or hardware failures. By conducting a thorough risk assessment, IT leaders can identify vulnerabilities and prioritize their disaster recovery efforts accordingly.

Developing a Plan of Action

The plan of action should outline step-by-step procedures to be followed during and after a crisis. It should include aspects like data backup and restoration, alternative infrastructure arrangements, communication protocols, and the roles and responsibilities of key personnel. A well-designed plan ensures a structured response, minimizing chaos and confusion during critical situations.

Regularly Testing and Updating the Plan

Disaster recovery planning requires continuous evaluation and refinement. Regular testing of the plan through simulated disaster scenarios allows organizations to identify potential weaknesses and improve response capabilities. Additionally, it is essential to update the plan as technologies, infrastructure, and business needs evolve. By staying proactive and adaptive, IT leaders can ensure their organizations are well-prepared for unforeseen events.

Benefits of a Disaster Recovery Plan

Ensuring Business Continuity

By having a well-defined plan in place, organizations can minimize the impact of disruptions and maintain essential operations. It allows businesses to continue serving customers, generating revenue, and preserving their reputation, even during challenging times. A robust disaster recovery strategy instills confidence in stakeholders, reassuring them that the organization is prepared for any eventuality.

Minimizing Downtime

Downtime can result in lost productivity, missed deadlines, dissatisfied customers, and potential revenue loss. However, an effective disaster recovery plan can minimize an organization’s downtime. By promptly restoring critical systems and applications, businesses can swiftly resume operations and mitigate the financial and reputational impacts of extended outages.

Minimizing the Risk of Data Loss

Disaster recovery planning includes strategies for regular data backups, offsite storage, and data recovery mechanisms. In the event of a disaster, these measures ensure that critical data can be restored, minimizing the risk of data loss. By safeguarding valuable information, organizations can maintain business continuity, protect customer trust, and comply with regulatory requirements.

Protect Your Future Today

Are you interested in learning more about your disaster recovery options? Or, would you like an assessment of your current disaster recovery plan? Dewpoint’s experts are available to provide guidance. Start a conversation today, and see first-hand how we “Make IT Personal.”


Veeam’s 2022 Data Protection Report

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

ITIC 2021 Global Server Hardware, Server OS Reliability Survey Results

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