Case Study | 2024

MDHHS Analyzes COVID-19 Data with Power BI Dashboards


The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) facilitates many health initiatives across the State of Michigan.


The focus of the MDHHS TCC COVID-19 Testing Event Program is creating equal and widespread access to preventative resources while reducing and containing the spread of COVID-19, especially among high-risk populations.

The program provides testing services to those in need who may not have access to traditional services, like people without insurance and remote populations around Michigan. Testing sites have included state welcome centers, schools, churches, community centers, and shelters.


As MDHHS organized its response to COVID-19, the team knew they wanted to provide testing services to high-risk and remote populations and build a robust tracking system. Initial estimates were that it could take six months to develop a comprehensive tracking system.


The team went above and beyond to deliver the first working version within a month using Power BI, Forms, Lists, Data Flows, and Power Automate.

They built automations for requesting additional testing events, submitting approvals, shipping out tests from warehouses, email notifications, and more.

The Dewpoint team designed the process for creating testing events, gathering data, and analyzing the data. They also added role-based access so that each of the six vendors can only see their own data. Vendors use the dashboard to manage their testing schedules.


The program was launched at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 and is ongoing. The tracking system and dashboards that the Dewpoint team created for MDHHS have been a massive help and have undergone multiple iterations since the program began. The testing results dashboards were used to inform decisions about reopening businesses and public schools. A public version was created to assist the public in finding testing sites.

The Dewpoint team successfully educated each of the six vendors that MDHHS works with for this program on how to upload their data and use the tracking dashboards.

On top of the quick turnaround, there was no additional cost to the client because the team used tools that MDHHS already subscribed to, including:

  • Microsoft Forms
  • Microsoft Power Automate
  • Microsoft Power BI
  • Microsoft Data Flows
  • Microsoft Lists

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