Why you need an Enterprise Portfolio Management Office

January 13, 2021

Do you lack visibility on your IT project portfolio?  Are you unsure if your IT projects align with your strategic initiatives?  Are your large IT projects consistently falling behind due to unrealistic budget and timeframe expectations?  Is there a lack of governance or support from key stakeholders to establish project requirements?  Is there a gap in identifying and resolving issues or performing regular project reviews?  Is there a lack of standard project methodology?

If you answered “Yes” to any of the above, your organization would benefit from establishing an Enterprise Portfolio Management Office (PMO).  Implementing a PMO establishes the portfolio oversight, discipline, and methodologies to achieve better project results including:

  • Governance – Ensures accountability to make sure decisions are made by the right people based on correct information.
  • Transparency – Makes sure all project information is relevant, accurate and always available to
    decision makers.
  • Reusability – Provides project teams with templates, best practices and lessons learned based on previous project experience.
  • Delivery support – Provides peer reviews, training, mentoring and quality assurance to ensure consistency.
  • Traceability – Maintains documents and other important information regarding the evolution of a project.

To learn more about establishing a PMO or help with your current PMO to deliver better results, contact Dewpoint.  We have experienced, certified consultants with a wealth of experience in various industries to drive ownership, focus and accountability and ultimately deliver RESULTS.

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